Predicate Procurement  

Predicate Procurement specialises in the business process re-engineering of purchasing departments within government, parastatal and private sector enterprises. We assist organisations to comply with relevant legislation whilst achieving and maintaining world class best practice standards and advancing the interests of BBBEE and SMME suppliers, building capacity in organisations and aggregating spend opportunities whilst compressing and rationalising categories.

We achieve the business process turn-around by conducting an in-depth current state analysis within each of our clients procurement operations and then designing a tailor made future state process operation this BPR process includes the re-design not only of processes but also the change to organisational structures and developing new KPI’s, along with the necessary capacity building, to re-skill existing staff complements and train and integrate new personnel.

In PPS we train our clients how to manage their procurement operations at a world class best practice standard and support the changed processes by leveraging the functionalities built into PS³. Thereby eliminating all forms of “Maverick” spend such as unauthorised and/or unbudgeted expenditure. We achieve this by means of the application of Commitment Accounting and Delegation Authority control and solid application of business rules and relevant legislative requirements.

All PPS processes are compliant with the PFMA, PPPFA, SCMFA and BBBEE acts as well as relevant National Treasury Regulations.

iQual for RSR
Predicate Logistics is implementing the iQual supplier database at the Railway Safety Regulator!
Predicate sponsors
Predicate Software
sponsors new ADSL line and several computers for Ki-Deo Children's Home in Lyttleton, Pretoria.